Explore the treatment of deception in "The Glass Menagerie" The term 'deception' is defined as the distortion of reality or employing tricks, ruses and

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Karan Kirpalani

English Literature

Glass Menagerie Essay

Explore the treatment of deception in “The Glass Menagerie”

        The term ‘deception’ is defined as the distortion of reality or employing tricks, ruses and withholding the truth. Throughout the play at almost all stages, deception constantly occurs. It is an integral part of the plot that moulds and determines the outcome of the play. This essay will discuss the various ways through which deception has been implemented into the play.


        The very first scene, Tom compares himself to a magician and establishes the fact that his story is one of reality although enacted out in a world of ‘illusion’ when he states, “I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion.” The world in which his family lives is one which is a total distortion of the reality of the harsh world. Throughout the play, it seems as though all members of the family are similar to the animals in the glass menagerie as they are confined within glass. To end with, Laura and Amanda are also seen conversing in sound proof glass. Now that it is obvious that they are living in a world of deception, I will go on to elaborate on how this world of deception works.

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        In the play, the characters deceive themselves, particularly Amanda. Amanda deceives herself various ways. She lives in the world she wishes to remember rather than her present world. She rants about the number of gentlemen callers there were in Blue Mountain while constantly boasting about her popularity amongst them. She deceives herself to the extent that when Laura explains to her that there won’t be any callers, she exclaims, “It can’t be true! There must be a flood, there must have been a tornado!” It is obvious she simply cannot accept reality. Another character who is guilty of deceiving ...

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