explore the way Carver handles the genre of the short stories

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Sasha jones        

Centre No. 10802        

Candidate No. 7022

Explore the way Carver handles the genre of the short story.  You should begin your answer with a detailed analysis of one particular story before ranging more widely through the volume as a whole.

        Walter Allen defined the short story by saying that it,’ deals with [or] dramatizes a single incident and in doing so utterly transforms it.’  He believes that the short story is recognised as such, ‘because we feel that we are reading something that is the fruit of a single moment of time, of a single incident [or] perception’.  In Carver’s story, ‘Intimacy’, this is exactly what is done.  One event, a man visiting his former wife, is made into an incident which, for these two people, will never be forgotten.  Brander Mathews also agrees with this view of Walter Allen’s.  He made rules with regard to the short story genre and about, “a single character, a single event, a single emotion or the series of emotions called forth by a single situation.”

        These rules, or ideas, are very true to Carver’s ‘Intimacy’, which begins, “I have some business out west anyway, so I stop to see where my former wife lives” this powerful first sentence present many immediate implications to the reader and the use of the word, “anyway”, implies that the narrator is making an excuse for his visit in case of dire consequences.  This opening is in agreement with Edgar Allen Poe’s suggestion that a great short story will contain no written word that hasn’t been deliberately placed by the author in the formation of a unique or single effect- part of a pre-established design.

   This single event, the meeting has stirred up many emotions, all relating to pain and anger, in both the man and his former wife.  Clearly, the situations which they talk about are old incidents, buried in the past, but as they are brought up again, the old emotions return with them and it is clear that they are still raw for both the man and his ex, “[my heart] did break.  Of course it broke…it’s still broke, if you want to know.”  The story reaches a climax, ‘utterly transforming the incident’ when the man gets on his knees in front of his former wife and clings to the hem of her dress.  This is, I believe a significant symbol, not only because it symbolises but also because it shows clearly to us, as readers, this man’s raw emotions and his desperation for either forgiveness, or closure.  He is showing himself to be more vulnerable in an act of repentance, and he’s clearly offering her the upper hand.  This act is in stark contrast to their previous actions, “I loved you once…what a laugh that is now…we were so intimate I could puke.”  This juxta position plainly demonstrates to us, human nature, the thin line between love and hate.  This is what the two are faced with, their intimacy drew them so close, but has made it harder to let go of the past and deal with and release their emotions which have been bottled up for a while. This climax is what is needed for both of them and the words used throughout this passage are incredibly significant, “I know it’s where I ought to be…it’s crazy…it’s like I’m stuck to the floor.  It’s like I can’t move.”  This echoes Katherine Mansfield’s belief that every word used is incredibly valuable, “If a thing [short story] has really come off…there mustn’t be one single word out of place or one word that could be taken out”.  Valerie Shaw once said that the short story “has the capacity to make apparently straightforward or familiar objects express complexities through metaphor, symbol and implication.”  This is certainly true in ‘Intimacy’ as the action of kneeling in front of the former wife, appears to express more than any words of comfort, the “white moon hanging in the morning sky”, indicates peace of mind and a new beginning for the narrator and the leaves at the end of the story can, I believe represent memories of the narrator’s past with his wife and shows the invasion by the memories on his everyday thoughts.

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        There are many conflicting views amongst critics with regard to how the short story is written successfully.  Some agree with the view that “the short story, is the most difficult prose form to manipulate successfully”, although Arnold Bennett declared that “a short form is easier to manipulate than a long form, because its construction is less complicated, because the balance of its proportions can be more easily corrected by means of a rapid survey, and because the emotional strain is less prolonged.”  I am in agreement with these views and believe that to write a short story an incredible amount ...

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