Explore the ways Mary Shelley presents the character of the monster in "Frankenstein?"

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James Scott English Essay

Explore the ways Mary Shelley presents the character of the monster in "Frankenstein?"

Frankenstein is a gothic novel written in the 19th Century. It is a mixture of romance and horror. In Mary Shelley's novel "Frankenstein" the monster is presented in several ways. Before we see the creation we are given information, which prepares us for the horror and destruction that the monster carries out. The reader's initial reaction is that this monster will be a rotting corpse created from leftovers from slaughterhouses, morgues and graves. We can gather from this that he will be very tall, ugly and will be very repellent and terrifying. The reader during the 1800's would have been shocked at the idea of resurrecting a corpse thrown together with some cotton and to be re-animated by electricity. Victor Frankenstein thought the creation of the monster out thoroughly but after his resurrection his future life was not considered. Victor Frankenstein became so obsessed with being a romantic hero he forgot what the monster's needs would be.

During chapter four the creature is created and is immediately rejected by Victor his creator/father. He is rejected because of his sheer ugliness. We can see the horror in this scene but can feel sadness as the creator or 'parent' can reject his own 'child' just after the newborn is 'born'. During this chapter there is a gesture of love by the 'newly born' creature as he reaches out to Victor but is quickly rejected as Victor thinks the creature is going to attack him. "Breathless horror and disgust filled my heart." As the monster is lonely with no family he picks up Victor's jacket with his journal inside it. The monster at this time would feel lonely, rejected, outcast, depressed, un-loved and un-wanted.
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During chapter six Victor Frankenstein receives news that his angelic brother William has been brutally murdered. As soon as he receives this news he jumps to conclusions that the 'monster' has committed this fiendish crime. He then makes his way to his home in Geneva to comfort his father Alphonse, brother Ernest and soon to be wife, cousin Elizabeth. But on his way home Victor comes across his creation, on top of a mountain. Victor is surprised by the great strength and agility of "the filthy daemon to whom I (Victor) had given life".

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