Explore varieties of and attitudes to texting and text-speak

Authors Avatar by renwangman (student)

Explore varieties of and attitudes to texting and ‘text-speak’

Over the years, behaviour and opinions over texting has massively changed. The opinions have grown stronger if they are supporting or disagreeing with texting how it has affected us with our speaking and writing. Words have been altered in texting while children think it is easily understood. However, is it understood by everyone? Adults have a totally different opinion over slang/text-speak. As it isn’t understood by adults, they disapprove slang/text-speak.

As children/young adults have texted slang (majority of their life time) they lose the hang of using Standard English. They have gotten used to using “WUU2” instead of “what you up to”. Therefore, if they would be writing they would make mistakes e.g. in a creative piece of writing or script for a play they might make a mistake such as, bad punctuation, spelling mistakes, word placement etc.

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In recent surveys, we have proving that 10-16 year old text more than any other age groups so this concludes that teenagers are mostly affected by this “slang/text-speak”. Also, we have discovered certain areas have altered these languages (Slang/text-speak) in London slang is more common to younger children than Standard English. “Makes communicating easier and quicker” has it really quicken communication? “Slang has made texting and talking much faster, by shortening them.

Also, we have revealed that it’s hard for people to show their emotion or facial expressions, while texting. So they added emoticons to the mobile’s A-Z, this has ...

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