Extract From the Novel "Back" by Henry Green

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English Commentary        -  -        Yehya Hasan

Extract From the Novel “Back”

        The relatively old extract from the novel “Back” was written by Henry Green in 1946, is an exploration of a young man had been sent home from a prisoner’s camp, and comes home to find that his wife is dead. Green graphically portrays a picture of the events taken place throughout the extract, a sorrowful image. The reader develops a mature appreciation towards the extract through Green’s skilled employment of imagery, tone and structure, hence successfully creating a mood enabling the author to discuss the events.

        The opening of the extract begins with the mention of the setting and location of detail. From the mentioning of ‘A country bus up below the church…’ and ‘it was a summer day in England’, we deduce that the poem is originating in a rural setting. We can further presume it is of English background, due to the allusions to England and the reference also to the country.

To narrow down the main setting of the extract the narrator has mentioned the detail of the setting through the words such as ‘gravestones’ and ‘church tower’. Through these the reader can presume that the extract has been set near a church and maybe some graveyard nearby. The structural feature of the church tower aid in the description of the setting, because we are able to notice that towers have slits for protection, which result in the reader assuming that it is an old traditional church, which are located in a country side.  

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In addition to the setting, the novel was completed in 1946. From this date, we can deduce that it must have been written in the end of the year of World War II. Therefore, the novel was written during World War II, and has positioned the reader for subsequent events.  

        The narrators’ utilization of a variety of vivid descriptive words and imagery evoke pictorial images that allow the reader to identify and explore various aspects of the circumstances surrounding. Line 6 effectively illustrates the church tower and its color. The narrator has chosen this particular description of the ...

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