Family conflict

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Family conflict

I never thought my younger brother Tom would get involved in drugs. He is only fourteen and he is mixing with the wrong crowd. My name is Phil and I have never done anything remotely like that I wouldn’t dream of it I am seventeen and Id like to think I’m mature enough to never do anything even half as stupid as drugs. I’ve told him several times that he’s wasting his life. The thing that really gets to me the most is that most weekends he staggers in drugged up to the eyeballs in the early hours of the morning. He says it’s depression and that I don’t understand but one thing I do understand is a fourteen year old boy should not be on a drugs rehabilitation course and sleeping in gutters before he’s even eligible to leave school. His friends are partly to blame. They see that he’s an easy target and easily lead and they just use it, to provide them with entertainment and get him to do stupid things that they are to cowardly to do which to be honest is not what I call friends. My dad has got to the point where he is thinking of leaving the family. He’s suggested sending Tom away to a military school but my mum thought it was preposterous and that idea was scrapped. It will be Monday tomorrow start of the week hopefully a fresh start for Tom, but we all doubt it. My parents are downstairs waiting and hoping that Tom will be back in time to go to bed. She is so distraught at the moment she says that if he isn’t then he’s going to be locked out of the house. She says this most nights but we all know that she’s just saying this in hope that it will shake him up a bit and possibly make him listen for once.

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I woke in the morning I heard my parents shouting in the next room I heard my parents say that tom didn’t come back last night this wouldn’t be the first time this has happened. Last time this happened my dad was driving round all night searching for him. He found him sleeping outside the corner shop like a tramp. He didn’t tell my mum this as it would’ve upset her to find out that her son would rather sleep on the streets than sleep under his own roof. My parents were still at it, it was getting louder ...

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