Feature Article - Being A Teen Is The Worst Time Of Your Life

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Adolescents are not monsters.  They are just people trying to learn how to make it among the adults in the world, who are probably not so sure themselves. ~Virginia Satir. As reported by Amanda Flora.

Teenage years are like a tectonic shift in our life. For us teens, it is a sudden awareness of our identity and worth; teens usually start understanding things a lot more. It is also a time of emotional mayhem, where we are constantly searching our self, about what we stand for and what we want to do. You have, peer pressure, anorexia, and school all day, five days a week, and extra homework, which equals stress. Teenage years are definitely the most difficult.

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What is stress? Stress is what you feel when you respond to pressure, either from the outside world (school, work, family, friends) or inside yourself (wanting to fit in). With all the extra things that happen during teen years, it is easy to feel weighed down. Juggling your social life and freedom with school and jobs is also stressful. There is always some type of stress throughout teenage years.

It’s hard making friends, let a lone losing them, turning against you or hurting you during really tough times. This can happen when you least need it, or expect it, ...

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The Quality of Written Communication is good. Throughout the answer the candidate retains a good level of English language use and therefore the answer raises no causes for concern with regard to miscommunication or even minor errors in spelling, punctution and/or grammar.

The Level of Advise is good, but as before it is not exhaustive, and perhaps the biggest thing separating Writing to Advise from Writing to Persuade or Writing to Argue is the use of alternatives in order to help with whatever it is you're trying to advise. Writing to Persuade requires rhetoric and second person address, Writing to Advise requires alternative and soft imperatives. Without them, the answer can come across as a very weak Writing to Argue response, as this answer first came across. So just be sure that what you're writing in an advisory does aim to provide alternatives through means of soft imperative such as "Try this" or "Perhaps, instead of doing x, do x".

This candidate makes a fair advisory for teenagers in emotional turmoil. There is empathy shown and a sensitive appraisal of a number of problems that teenagers can face. Whilst it is obvious this candidate speaks from a biased/inexperienced viewpoint when they claim "Teenagers years are definitely the most difficult", there is context to accommodate such claims and these will be appreciated by the audience, so any hyperbolic tendencies there are nicely balanced out in receipt of the people who will be reading this article for comfort. The structure is good, and works towards a suitable conclusion, but the reason this answer is restricted from a top grade review is because it doesn't provide any sort of alleviation of the thing it's trying to remedy. For instance, if you're trying to advise someone about something, you would provide alternatives if you wished them to, for example, stop smoking. And that's what missing here - alternatives or methods by which a reader go alleviate stress, such as calling a friend, keeping and diary or - with extreme caution - speaking to like-minded people on an internet forum.