Flight of Freedom

Authors Avatar by ventusastrum (student)

Claire slowly tiptoes out of the house, catching the door as it falls. The door creaks and Claire winces. Her ears perk, listening carefully for any sign of life. Claire hears nothing but the gentle snores of her mother. Claire sighs in relief and slowly closes the door, spinning around after.

Claire walks forward, her little feet daintily stepping on the forest floor. Claire bows her head, making each small step with extreme precision, full aware of what a mistake can do to this hard borne opportunity.

Claire’s bare foot lands on an unseen twig, its cracking echoing throughout the forest. She freezes, her face a portrait of terror. Her eyes dart around, looking for any movement her mistake triggers. The forest was devoid of all sound; not even her mother’s snoring was heard. Her goal was just ten steps away now. She breathes out, closing her eyes, preparing herself for the inevitable.

“Ten steps,” Claire whispers to herself. She misses the sound of beating wings and the glance of something sparkling in the night sky.

Claire slowly walks forward, fixing her eyes on that clearing in the distance. In mid-step, Claire bursts into a run, her attention to noise gone. The wind catches her blonde hair, streaming it strand by strand behind her. Her light footsteps barely disturb the leaves underfoot.

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Claire stops just before that clearing. She takes a breath, calming herself. Claire closes her eyes, missing that glint of light again, as she takes the final step into the clearing.

Claire fully steps into the clearing. Her breath hitches as she realizes the consequences of the actions she’s doing.

Her hand reaches up to her shoulder and freezes in hesitation. An internal conflict rages in Claire’s eyes, her inner turmoil evident. Soon, her eyes gain a look of steely resolve as she looks back up. Her fallen hand, resumes its upward motion more forcefully and she ...

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