For many years, much of society has been sexist and today there are still individuals, certain religions and races who discriminate against women and other females in general. "A women's place is in the home."

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For many years, much of society has been sexist and today there are still individuals, certain religions and races who discriminate against women and other females in general.

“A women’s place is in the home.”

According to this phrase women have always been submissive, staying at home and looking after their children and generally doing domestic chores.  The expression implies that women do not deserve an education or a career; they only serve a domestic purpose.  

Women have been portrayed as ‘Sluts’, simply because of their dress sense, hairstyle, makeup and jewellery.  

‘Barbie’, the American doll, has been a world-wide success among young girls for many years, creating an image that young girls should wear heavy makeup, jewellery and tarty clothes for fashion purposes.  

Women are given a very low status, like Barbie, they are seen as ‘Blonde Bimbos’, or ‘Airheads’ who consistently walk on their tip toes.

In many cases, when a woman has a career she is not taken seriously due to this.

The film ‘Working Girl’, set in the mid 1980’s, tells the story of a young woman who finally succeeds in her career when she arrives in New York after many years of being treated as a ‘Blonde Bimbo’.

In the 1900’s America was the focus for the puritans and pilgrims throughout Britain and Europe. These groups of people travelled to America to escape oppression and harsh governments. When they arrived, they believed America was the New Jerusalem, the ‘Promised Land’.

In Greek mythology, there was a myth that a land like this existed in the West. It was said to immense wealth, peace and prosperity.

When the pilgrims and puritans arrived in America, they wanted to ensure that it was a hyric system, where everyone was equal.

The Statue of Liberty was presented to the USA in 1884 by France to celebrate the alliance between the two countries over 100 years.  The statue has become an important symbol of human freedom.  It shows the Goddess of Liberty, draped in flowing robes, with broken chains of oppression at her feet. In one hand she holds the torch of enlightenment, and in the other she has a tablet inscribed with the date of American Independence, 1776.

The Statue of Liberty has greeted millions of travellers and immigrants arriving in New York harbour since the 20th Century.  At the base of the statue the inscription includes the following expression:

“Give me you tired, you poor,

You huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest lost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

(Emma Lazarus)

The film “Working Girl” does not just relate to Tess’s rise. It represents the three main characters, Tess, Cynthia and Katherine.

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The film begins with upbeat music and relevant lyrics to the theme of the film. The music sounds very grand with lots of instruments suggesting that this city and the statue is very big and special.  The song also focuses on the sea and the boat sailing across the water.

The Statue of Liberty is the landmark that is first seen. The camera sweeps from the base of the statue to the peak.  This suggests a rise in status. The message that the statue provides is one of equality, freedom and opportunity. After focusing on the Statue of Liberty, ...

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