Frankenstein develop and shelly uses language to create and destroy sympathy

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Sasha Jones

Explain how the character of the monster develops throughout the novel. How does Shelley use features such as language and structure to create and destroy sympathy?

Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley wrote ‘Frankenstein’ in 1818. The novel tells of Victor Frankenstein, a student of the occult, and of the subhuman monster that he created using parts of corpses from years gone by. Victor Frankenstein wanted to create the ultimate ‘super-human’. Instead he creates a being which is frowned upon by society because of the way the monster looks and in some ways considered ‘sub-human’.

Mary Shelley, in her novel makes a variety of points about the world, society and human nature. The novel focuses on emotions and feelings such as prejudice, ambition, humility and ostracism. As the novel was written in 1818, the author focuses on ideas about religion and science during that period of time.

 The fact that Frankenstein tried to create a human which would exceed that of a normal human would contribute to the argument that Frankenstein tried to play God. This would in some ways, anger the early nineteenth century English population as, at the time, it was a very Christian country. The presence of science in the novel is very apparent. During the time the novel was created, Science was beginning to make discoveries which would change the way man looked at earth. Some people feared this new scientific generation and the fear was captured in Shelley’s novel.

At the forefront of the book, Shelley introduces the monster in an unsympathetic manner. At this point in the book, the narrator is Captain Walton; he describes the monster as a “being which had the shape of a man, but apparently of gigantic structure.” This results in the reader not feeling sympathy for the monster, as he at this point is described as something more than human. This is also illustrated when Captain Walton describes the movement of the monster as “rapid”.  This is at the start of the novel however; it is at the end of the monsters story.

Shelley also focuses on the idea of ambition when Victor explains what he was trying to do when he created the monster “have you drunk also of the intoxicating draught.” We can now tell that when Frankenstein created the monster he was filled with ambition. However, he now understands that this ambition took him over and made him create the monster.

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When Shelley writes about the birth of the monster she uses pathetic fallacy to create a negative and unhappy mood. “It was on a dreary night of November.” This tells the reader that something is going to go wrong. The reader expects the monster now to be perfect “I had selected his features as beautiful.”

When the monster is brought to life, Frankenstein neglects the monster.  He calls the monster a “wretch.” Here Shelley is trying to create sympathy for the monster by using the fact that the monster has been neglected by his creator. Frankenstein in ...

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