Frankenstein- how would a modern reader react to frankenstein

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5th October 2010                                                                        By Bashir

Frankenstein Coursework

Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein in the year 1818. Mary Shelley’s writing was actually very relevant to the gothic literature written in those times. People back then had very strong religious beliefs and despised the idea of “playing God”. The new scary gothic-genre was exciting as well as inspiring for people.

Mary Shelley uses negative adjectives and melancholy to create a gloomy and dark atmosphere. The first sentence is an example of this technique: “It was on a dreary night of November…” This sets the scene for the birth of the monster - the sinister mood already suggests that something bad will happen. In addition, “rain pattered dismally against the panes” and the candle “was nearly burnt out” with a “half extinguished light”. This is slowly building tension and the audience is on edge.

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The creature is always described in such a negative tone that the audience can share Frankenstein’s distaste for the creature. There is a whole paragraph on just the ugly appearance, for example: The creatures eyes are described as “dull yellow” and “His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath”. The creature is also called a “wretch” and a “demoniacal corpse”. The audience first presumes the creature is evil as well as hideous.

At the moment of his birth, however, the creature is in fact entirely benevolent: he affectionately reaches out to Frankenstein - ...

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