Franz Kafkas magic realist novella The Metamorphosis uses the physical transformation of the protagonist Gregor into a bug as a reflection of his place in society

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Franz Kafka’s magic realist novella The Metamorphosis uses the physical transformation of the protagonist Gregor into a bug as a reflection of his place in society, and how he perceives himself belonging in his relationships and community. The story opens in third person limited omniscient narration in a sober, straightforward manner. This contrast between the extraordinary situation, “he had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug” and the ordinary terms used to describe it creates a sense of disorder and chaos in both the world in which the story is set, and the psyche of Gregor, hinting at the deterioration of the value of his place in society. The extended
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metaphor of transformation (metamorphosis) is used to literally and emotionally alienate Gregor from his family members, and from humanity in general – he refers to it as his “imprisonment”. He experiences little human contact, eventually becoming totally isolated from everyone around him, including his sister Grete who had taken care of him. As the story progresses however, it is revealed that this feeling of estrangement actually preceded his transformation. Shortly after waking up and discovering that he has been transformed into a bug, he reflects on his life and notes how shallow and transitory his relationships have become, “I still ...

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