From your reading of 'Much Ado About Nothing' and from your wider research into the subject, what have you learnt about the status and expectations of women in the 16th century, with particular reference to love and marriage?

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From your reading of ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ and from your wider research into the subject, what have you learnt about the status and expectations of women in the 16th century, with particular reference to love and marriage? Do the relationships of Hero and Claudio and Beatrice and Benedick, as explored by Shakespeare, seem to follow the pattern of most relationships at that time?

        The relationships explored by Shakespeare in the play are both very different. Based on my research and knowledge of some Shakespeare plays it is clear that Hero and Claudio’s relationship is typical for the time. Beatrice and Benedick’s relationship however, is a complete contrast.

        I know from what I have researched that men had more power, opportunities and influence on society than women did. Shakespeare viewed women as sexual objects and men had the right to say what they wanted about them without facing any consequences. Claudio’s relationship with Hero seemed to be a typical 16th century marriage with Hero’s superiors deciding whom she would marry. Benedick’s relationship with Beatrice was not a usual 16th century because no parents decided whether or not they married, they decided by themselves.

        From the research I have done I have found out that Shakespeare’s view of women was an accurate view of how they were treated in the 16th century. In the 16th century women did not equal rights as their counterparts, men. To men women were not people, they were their possessions and they had a set role in life. Men went out and earned a living by either as a business man or a high ranked solider while women whereas women were expected to stay home and look after the house and their children.  Children were especially important as they were set to inherit their father’s fortune and so the fathers wanted their heir’s to be male.

        Women were also expected to behave accordingly and obey their husbands. Before they got married there wasn’t a great deal of difference to living with their parents to when they were married, because as a girl, her parents controlled her decisions and life, and then once she became a woman she was married. Her parents found her a husband that they deemed to be suitable; this was often the richest or most respected man available, based on military rank. The girl had no choice over her husband, and sometimes she only saw her husband for the first time on the day of the wedding. Once she was married the husband took almost total control over her life and she was expected to give him a family. At the time women knew no other way so just accepted it and carried on with the life and the traditions of the age. Unlike today where we like to believe that women have an equal role in society, and if anything happened like that during the modern era then women not have taken it and stood up for themselves. I find it amusing is that during the sixteenth century when women were treated as possessions, the leader was a woman, Elizabeth I.

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        You also see in another of Shakespeare plays his perceived role of women. This play is of course the famous Romeo and Juliet. In this play Juliet's parents decide on a man she should marry, this mans name is Paris, a highly eligible bachelor. In the story Juliet's parents come to meet her and tell her that they have found a suitable man for her, but she was deeply in love with Romeo. In that particular play her parents forebode her to marry Romeo, or any of his relations simply because of a family feud. This resulted in both of ...

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