Gathering Blue is written by Lois Lowry and is about a recently orphaned girl named Kira

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Olivia Meier


                                        Gathering Blue Book Report

        Gathering Blue is written by Lois Lowry and is about a recently orphaned girl named Kira who was born with a twisted leg. She lives in a world where weak or disabled people are put to death so she herself lives in constant fear of that happening to her. Kira doesn’t know what the future holds for her until the very powerful Council of Guardians spare her life. She is now holding a job as a very gifted weaver and is given a task that no other member of the community can do. As her talent and job keep her alive she soon realizes she is surrounded by mysteries and secrets that she has to unravel.

Kira, the main character in the book, is definitely an Aries.  Like those born under the sign of Aries, she is brave, driven, talented and loyal. What, you don’t believe it? Read more to find out why.    

        Kira is very brave because she is an orphan. At the very beginning of the book her mother passed away from an illness. You also find out at the beginning that her father was supposedly taken away and killed by wild beasts and never knew that Kira was even born. So Kira is without a mother or father at a very young age and is supposed to fend for herself. After her mother’s death she didn’t have a family to look after her, she also didn’t have any home. The cott she had shared with her mother had been burned. The small structure, the only home that Kira had ever known was burned to the ground and now Kira was homeless. Kira is very brave because she was a young orphaned girl with a twisted leg and without any family or home, yet she survived and carried on.

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        Another reason why I think Kira fits the sign of Aries is because she is driven. In the story, after you have a death in the family your cott is always burned to the ground.  You are then supposed to rebuild it. When Kira returned to rebuild her little cott on her piece of land a woman named Vandara said she could not build here. Vandara was a woman that scared everybody in the village and for that she was well known and respected. Vandara was very tall and muscular she also had a scar that marked her chin and ...

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