GCSE Shakespeare Coursework: Macbeth

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Ben wood 10 croft

GCSE Shakespeare Coursework: Macbeth

Discuss the Dramatic Qualities of Act 3 Scene 4 In Relation To the Play as a Whole

In act 3 scene 4 Macbeth is holding a banquet. The purpose of the banquet is to celebrate his coronation to king of Scotland, to show authority and most of all to have an alibi for death of Banquo. To show his authority he says things like ‘ourself will mingle with society.’ This quote uses the royal plural where he means himself. This shows that he knows he’s king and wants to show it. By mingling he make the thaines feel right at home and the will not expect anything wrong has happened and he seals this by saying ‘here had we now our country’s honour roofed, were the graced person of our Banquo present’ showing that he missed Banquo being there. The banquet was to show that Macbeth was a good controlled king but the scene ended by him hallucinating and Lady Macbeth dismissing them in a disorderly fashion ‘stand not upon your order of your going. But go at once.’ This is disorderly because the order of going is the least important going first and working there way up but lady Macbeth unleashed them all at once. The language at the beginning and end of the banquet are very similar. Both mentioning the ranking of the thanes. ‘You know your own degrees, sit down. At first and last the hearty welcome.’ ‘Stand not upon your order of going. But go at once’, but the differ immensely because ones very orderly and the other is very rushed.

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This scene reveals that the thanes think the king is not so stable or honest anymore. After becoming delusional about the ghost of Banquo he doesn’t feel safe at all which is why he killed Banquo to feel safe. This contributes to the development of the character by making him make bad decisions because everything he does is to try and make him feel safe from the last thing he did. The role of the ghost is to show the audience what Macbeth’s state of mind. The ghost represents the fact that even though Macbeth killed Banquo to feel ...

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