Great Expectations

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    In the novel, ‘Great Expectations’, Chapter 1 and Chapter 39 are both descriptions of the encounters the main character, Pip and Magwitch, the convict had together. Chapter 1 came at the beginning of the first volume, with Chapter 39 coming at the end of the second volume. The two chapters both had key similarities and important differences.

    In the first chapter, Pip was alone on the bleak and inhospitable marshes; the wind was cold and violent and created a threatening and frightening mood for both Pip and the reader. The atmosphere of being in a graveyard, which can be associated with isolation and a lot of the time depression, made Pip feel alone and scared and made him ‘begin to cry’.  But the atmosphere in Chapter 39 is echoed by Chapter 1, the weather was very much similar, outside it was story and raining. These combined to again create a terrified effect within the characters. But even though Pip was inside in Chapter 39, he still felt as unaccompanied and exposed to the weather as he was in Chapter 1. This was because the flat was just as isolated and claustrophobic and depressing as the graveyard was.

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    In Chapter 39, Pip’s circumstances changed considerably. He was a young gentleman, living in London and with a new life ahead of him. Whereas in Chapter 1, Pip was a young, poor boy who lived with his sister and her husband, Joe Gargery. In Chapter 1, when Pip was alone at his parent’s graves, the convict sprung upon Pip without a word of warning and began to interrogate him. At this time, the convict was presented as ‘a man without a hat’; in Victorian times this obviously meant that Magwitch was not a gentleman. As the story was ...

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