Great Expectations - Characters and what Pip learns from them, about them, and about himself.

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Great Expectations: Characters and what Pip learns from them, about them, and about himself.

Magwitch reminds Pip of his vulnerability throughout the novel. When Magwitch turns Pip upside down in the novel, this can be interpreted as a metaphor for indeed just how much Magwitch does change Pip’s life around. When Pip first meets his convict he does not look down on him, even hoping the guards don’t catch him on the marshes. However, snobbish attitudes towards convicts soon develop when Pip has expectations. Therefore, when Magwitch returns into Pip’s life, Pip looks down on the man who has provided for and supported him, simply because he is not a gentleman. This is a great irony as is the convict had kept the money to himself, Pip would be the inferior, and Magwitch the gentleman.

“The abhorrence in which I held the man, the dread I had of him, the repugnance with which I shrank from him, could not have been exceeded if he had been some terrible beast.”

Pip realises that Magwitch takes more pride in seeing Pip exist in such a rich manner than if he himself was having all the comforts. The money Magwitch gives to Pip does not make him happy, so Pip learns about the value of money from the convict. He learns that money alone cannot make him happy and that deserting dear Joe for the posh London lifestyle was wrong. ‘It was for the convict…that I had deserted Joe’

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At the end of the novel Pip would rather let Magwitch die a happy man with the ignorance that Pip would inherit a fortune, than let Magwitch know the crown would take his money for a chance that he might get some of it.

Pip begins to realise that Magwitch was not an evil man, and not all convicts are typical of their social stereotypes. In fact, Pip’s realisation that Magwitch is indeed a more honest, true and loyal person than he had ever been, changes him completely. Going to Magwitch’s trial and holding his hand in front of ...

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