'Great Expectations' Comment on Dickens' use of setting focusing on the opening graveyard scene and the scenes with Miss Havisham set in the Satis house.

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Lindsay Venables

Mr Selby

GCSE Coursework ‘Great Expectations’

Comment on Dickens’ use of setting focusing on the opening graveyard scene and the scenes with Miss Havisham set in the Satis house

As a skilled writer Dickens has chosen a perfect setting in which corresponds to the involvement of his characters. The dark isolated graveyard associates with death, and provides a backdrop that is very similar to the appearance of a criminal, in the society in Dickens’ time. Dickens describes the marshes as being a dark, flat wilderness. This creates the opportunity to become lost and isolated, it emphasises the danger for someone who is alone, such as Pip. Pip is far from the safety of the town and from the higher class in society, therefore he is very vunerable to criminality.

The society in Dickens’ time was very different to the society now, it was potrayed in the places he used, such as the town. This was to show the higher classed side of society, where all people who were nice, honest and normal lived. The marshes were used because of its vast emptiness and the danger involved in being out there. This was completely cut off from the town. The people who lived there were outcasts and were once criminals. The Victorians wanted this complete separation physically and metaphorically. Once you were a criminal, you can never change and you are lost forever.

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In the opening scene, Dickens purposely creates a dark, desolate atmosphere that surrounds young Pip. He also uses the idea of a black horizontal landscape. This emphasises doom and danger, as Pip is alone. Dickens uses red, black, angry colours to describe the marshes and skyline. This links the atmosphere with death and blood, and brings Pip into the life of a criminal in the society of Dickens’ time.

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