Green Room

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I sat slouched in my chair, my head in my hands, like I had been for the last two hours, studying the plain white monochrome walls.  The room I was sitting in was just one big white box, white walls with a line of windows along one of them, showing a barbed wire fence.  In it was a white door, and a blank TV screen on top of a white cabinet, the only colour were pictures drawn by other little kids pined on a pin board in a corner of the room, and about a dozen green single chairs lining the walls around a white table and a white flip board.  It was the green room of Harrow Crown Court. My dad was quickly pacing the room in a mixture of anticipation and anger wile we waited for Suzan the courts mediator.  We had waited the whole of yesterday, constantly being told ‘any minute now, I’ve just got to wait for the phone call, blah blah blah’.  What was I waiting for, to give evidence against Damian Lewis?  Suzan was waiting for the call to say they were ready for me to go to the witness box.  Well, not quite the witness box.  I was too young so I had to go to another room full of cameras and talk to a television screen.  I think it was so the defendant wouldn’t intimidate me, or something like that.  I could only see the two barristers and the judge.  I knew this because it was the second time I had to go threw this.  And last time we had the exact same wait.  Only last time I had to be brought up from Bournemouth by police, but that was because I was on holiday at the time.  Is I sat there I thought about what I was going to be asked, what I was going to reply with, and if it would be the right answer.  

It was September 27th 1999.  I sat hunched over the table doing my homework.  I then heard max, my dog start to bark from the other side of the front door.  My sister must have locked him outside.  I went to see what was wrong and as I opened the door I saw two big black men walking up my path.  

‘Were looking for MC Dad’ one said with a strong Jamaican accent.  I thought this was quite strange because my dad’s old DJ name was DJ Dad, but I had never heard anyone ask for him by that name.  After I had worked out who he was looking for I told them that he wasn’t in.

‘He was supposed to be expecting us’ the other man said in a London accent.  My sister came down and asked what was happening.  After telling her she rang my dad.  She spoke to him and then handed the phone to the man with the London accent.  He spoke to him for a wile and then hung up.  He told us that my dad was on his way home and for them to wait.  Thinking everything was OK I resumed my work.  And my sister went to get food from the kitchen.  The Jamaican sat down opposite me and smiled.  It was then I noticed his tooth.  His front top tooth had a ‘frame’ of gold all around it. His face was quite square; he had strong cheekbones with a light goatee around his mouth and thin dreadlocks hanging from underneath his hat.   He had extremely thin lips with a broad flat nose and small, almost perfectly round eyes sitting quite widely above the nose.

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As you have probably realised my dad used to be a D.J.  He still is but when big he was a big DJ he built a sound proof studio at the end of our back garden.  It’s quite big and had quite a lot of expensive equipment like turntables and mixers, synthesizers, samplers and more.

After the Londoner had been shown the studio by my sister, he came back inside.  We sat there for a while after that, me doing my homework, my sister watching TV and the Jamaican sitting opposite me.  When my sister walked out of the room ...

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