Hamlet essay on his character

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Explore how Shakespeare presents and uses the theme of blindness in

the play ‘King Lear’.

In ‘King Lear’ Shakespeare shows the importance of the theme of blindness by portraying it throughout play. Blindness appears in various forms in both the main-plot and the sub-plot; which Shakespeare shows through the primary characters King Lear and Gloucester. The audience see both of these characters blindness leading them to make bad decisions throughout the play. However, the audience start seeing the characters eventually regretting their bad decision, which is represented through the good deeds, they carry out. Both of these characters aren’t physically blind in anyway at the start of the play, but are morally blind because of their wealth and power. In this play Shakespeare shows how, blindness is not only a physical quality, but also a mental flaw some characters possess.

The character who is undoubtedly morally blind is to be King Lear; this may be due to his high position in society. Someone in a position of high authority is supposed to be able to distinguish bad from good; however his lack of sight prevents him from being able to do this. King Lear’s first act of blindness is immediately grasped by the audience when he reacts bitterly towards his youngest daughter Cordelia due to her refusal to take part in the love test. At this point the audience can see that King Lear was unable to see Cordeila’s true love for him, and as the result of this he banishes her from the kingdom saying”........for we have no such daughter, nor shall ever see that face of her again.” King Lear disowns Cordelia as she has refused to express her love for him in front of the Court. Here Shakespeare shows the audience that King Lear’s eyes and mind are only open to seeing things that are on the surface which are artificial.

 Shakespeare has also demonstrated this to the audience earlier in the scene when King Lear accepts Goneril and Regan’s proclamation of how much they love him, which the audience are able recognize as fabrications. This portrays him as both mentally and emotionally blind. Lear’s blindness also leads him to banishing one of his loyal followers ‘Noble Kent’. Kent is able to see Cordelia’s true love for her father and tries to protect her from her father’s unreasonable actions. However, King Lear says, “Out of my sight!” and the audience witness Kent being banished. This symbolises King Lear’s loss of sight metaphorically as the audience know that Kent is King Lear’s adviser and is a person who helps him to see the truth. Now that King Lear has banished him from his sight, the audience understand King Lear has become sightless.

King Lear’s blindness in the main-plot is mirrored in the sub-plot by Gloucester’s.  Gloucester is seen to believe Edgar has betrayed him. His outburst “This villain of mine comes under the prediction….son against father, King falls from bias of nature……noble Kent banished” Shakespeare shows Gloucester being irrational as, Shakespeare creates dramatic irony with Gloucester’s anger as he had recently complained to Edmund that Kent being banished was a blind act by King Lear. However, Gloucester has just committed a similar blind act, by believing a letter which made his son Edgar look like a criminal, without investigating further. He simply believes Edmund who slyly handed over a forged letter.

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Gloucester is as blind as King Lear because he is being blind to what may be the goodness of Edgar and the evil side of Edmund. The audience can see this relates back to how King Lear is seeing things as he’s also acting blind towards Cordelia and not Goneril and Regan, who are the real felons. Shakespeare emphasises Gloucester’s blindness more when he says “He betrayed his practice and received, this hurt you see striving to apprehend him” Gloucester describes Edgar’s betrayal by stating that Edgar can’t see what consequences will lead to his wrong doings, however, the audience ...

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