He lets out his breath slowly

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He lets out his breath slowly, in the cold air it forms a grey mist in front of him which rapidly clears and is replaced.  His eyes regularly survey the surrounding area, picking out details on the house imperceptible to the untrained eye.  He sighs loudly as if to break the shattering silence, flicks open his petrol lighter and brings it slowly to his mouth to light the awaiting cigarette.  He inhales deeply, feeling his body relax whilst his mind remains alert.  Every few minutes he becomes tense as a car passes on the dirt track which runs nearby, he contorts into a crouch, glancing quickly at the road whilst remaining camouflaged in the scrub in which he has chosen to wait.  Once assured that the passing car is not the one he is awaits he sits on the damp ground, stretching his legs, leaving long indentations in the grass. He caresses his rifle, admiring the cool steel, the loving craftsmanship, he looks, as always, straight down the barrel to check for blockages.  He does not consider his safety, if it is his fate to die he will die.

He can see the house perfectly from his current vantage point.   It is neglected, unloved. It has been left to rot, an eyesore which seems past the state of repair.  The shutters hang from a single hinge, rust has long since caused the others to tear away from the wall.  The timber is infested with rot, the boards appearing to to be slanting towards the earth at a precarious angle but after further observation this is revealed to be because the house has been built on a small mount, unstable from the outset.  The contributing factors give the house an eerie feel which is aided by the dark grey storm clouds that are quickly approaching and thunder growling across the hillsides.

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An air of foreboding surrounds the area.  A stillness.  He welcomes this, the power that surrounds the area.  It seeps into his pores, his body aches with his longing to kill.  There are no outward signs of his addiction, his features remain impassive, his breathing barely audible.  He is not unattractive although the stern lines of his face never lighten and the mouth which promises a warming smile seems permanantly twisted into a sneer of contempt.  There is a metallic sheen to his eyes, so dark that the appear to be completely black, they show none of the conflicting ...

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