"Heroines Retreating into Illusion in two of Tennessee Williams's plays".

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                      "Heroines Retreating into Illusion in two of Tennessee Williams’s plays"


               This essay studies Williams's heroines who are unable to face  their  reality  so  they  retreat  into  illusionary  worlds  created by   themselves. Laura in The Glass Menagerie and Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire are the most outstanding examples. They are so fragile that facing reality will destroy them. Their  creation  of illusions  makes them feel safe away from the real world they cannot cope with, and the harsh realities that destroy both their dreams and hopes.

                 In the Wingfields, Laura is the lost child. Because of  being crippled, she cannot face the outside world. She is always  afraid of relationships and is terribly shy. In addition, she always feels rejected and inadequate. In short, she has an inferiority  complex. Her only way out is to retreat into a world of her own creation. Living in a world of tiny glass animals is her way of escape. "They are her escape mechanism as the movies are Tom's and the past is Amanda's" (Griffin 29). Those glass animals stand as a symbol of Laura herself. They are so fragile, and even unique. Her separation gradually increases till she becomes like a piece of her glass collection.

" she lives in a world of her own- a world of- little glass ornaments,…she plays old phonograph records and-that’s about all…"  (scene five)

               Laura is totally unable to bear the group contact in the business school, so she drops out. She prefers just walking, because as she tells her mother "It was the lesser of two evils, mother ... I threw up-on  the  floor ! "  (scene two). She spends  hours  everyday, for six weeks, just to go to the zoo and watch the glass house, so that her mother cannot discover her withdrawl from school. Her memories lock her in the world of the past. She reveals that she has liked one of her colleagues, Jim O'cconner, who has never noticed her presence. The deadening clumping of the brass she has used to wear echoes loudly in her memory, preventing the expressing of her feelings  towards him, burying her self-confidence and limiting her chances for a meaningful  present activity.

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               Jim's  appearance  as  a  gentleman  caller apparently affects Laura's behavior positively. She is now able to talk and dance with him. She acquires self-confidence when he clarifies that he has never noticed her defect. She even trusts him with the unicorn of her glass collection, a symbol of herself.  Now she asks him to handle it with care because, "if you breathe it breaks! ". But he breaks it and Laura as well. When she discovers that Jim, her old love who gives  her a  hope  for a new life, is engaged ...

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