Heroism in Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry.

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Fatimah Zahra Rattansey                                                                                   25/02/02

            Year 10g

Heroism in Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

To me a hero/ heroin is not someone who has to be a major star. It just has to be someone who does something brave and extraordinary. It can be something as normal as helping a blind person cross a road, as a selfless act. There are many different definitions or perceptions of a hero.

After reading Roll of thunder hear my cry, I think the hero of the book is Stacey. Even though it may seem that he didn’t do much in the book, but what he did may have been little, but he was brave and stood up for what he believed.

One of the heroic acts that Stacey did was standing up to the white bus driver and children who chased the black kids on the road to their school. Stacey knew that complaining wouldn’t work, so he, Cassie, Little Man and Christopher John took revenge on them in their own way by digging a hole on the road and filling it with water. Cassie dug a hole on the side of the road, to make it look like it was washed out, Christopher John and Little Man started scooping out mud from the middle of the road. Stacey and Cassie shovelled ragged holes almost a yard wide and a foot deep, when Stacey and Cassie’s holes merged into one with Little Mans and Christopher John’s, they covered the hole with water and stacked three rocks to identify the spot. So once the bus rides along the road it will get stuck in the hole and the kids will have to walk home covering them in mud and water. The act of revenge may seem small but at least when the children walk to school they know the bus driver will be more cautious and the image of the white kids clothes dripping with water and mud will be good enough. Stacey used skill and careful thinking to make his plan perfect.

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   Later in the book when Mama whips Stacey in class for having cheat notes, although she didn’t know that the notes belonged to TJ and Stacey had only taken them off him because he knew it was wrong. When Stacey goes to look for TJ, he finds out that TJ is in the Wallace store hiding, the Wallace store stood almost half a mile beyond Jefferson Davis, on a triangular lot that faced the Soldiers Bridge crossroads. Stacey found TJ and leaping high like a forest fox, fell upon TJ, knocking him down. The two boys rolled toward the ...

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