"His fiend-like queen" Does this seem a fitting judgement of Lady Macbeth?

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“His fiend-like queen” Does this seem a fitting judgement of Lady Macbeth?

Upon beginning the play, one first believes that Lady Macbeth does indeed possess the evil, inhumane characteristics of a fiend.

Within minutes of reading Macbeth’s letter, in which he informs her that according to the prophecy of the witches’ he is a “king that shalt be”, she contemplates regicide, in the belief that “fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have [Macbeth] crown’d withal.” Though this introductory scene portrays her as “fiend-like”, despite condemning Macbeth for being “too fill o’ the milk of human kindness”, she herself is worried that “compunctious vistings of nature” will “ shake [her] fell purpose” of murder.  She then turns to demonic spirits, calling them to “fill [her] from the crown to the toe full of direst cruelty.” It is the feminine traits of compassion and fallibility often attributed to women of the Jacobean era that causes to Lady Macbeth beg the spirits to “unsex [her] here [...] and take [her milk for gall]”, for women’s capacity for cruelty was considered to be inferior to that of men. Lady Macbeth is fully aware of her weaknesses both as a human and especially as a woman that may “impede [them] from the golden round.” From this we see that Lady Macbeth is not naturally evil, for she calls upon the supernatural to aid her in the murder they are planning to commit. This is also shown in terms of language, for Lady Macbeth speaks in iambic pentameter, which conveys the human heart beat. This is in contrast to the non-human, fiendish, witches who use a different verse form. Therefore Lady Macbeth’s verse shows that not only is she human, she, unlike the demonic, has a heart.

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Though it is Lady Macbeth, through seductive verse, emotional blackmail and her powers of manipulation, who finally persuades Macbeth to kill Duncan it must be remembered that murder was not, initially, the idea of Lady Macbeth.

It was Macbeth who, on the fulfilment of the first prophecy of the witches, entertains “horrible imaginings” of “murder yet [...] fantastical.”  As a woman, it is true that Lady Macbeth was only able to achieve success through her husband and, perhaps, she may have exploited his weaknesses in order to gain power. Nevertheless, from a different perspective, it may appear that Lady Macbeth ...

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