Holden has no one to blame

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Kyle Leisering10/5/08Mrs. Miller11 AP English                                       Holden Caulfield Has No One To Blame        “I felt so lonesome, all of the sudden. I almost wished I was dead.” (Salinger 48). In this quote by Holden Caulfield he states that he is lonely enough to the point where he would almost give up his life and everything in it. But in reality, every move Holden makes brings him closer and closer to feeling and being alone. From fighting with one of the only friends he has and going out on his own; then to running away from the one person who may have been trying to help him turn this life around; and finally to wanting to live by himself as a deaf mute out west in a cabin. Each of these behaviors are crucial in the result of Holden becoming more isolated throughout the story, and each of them are his own doing.         To avoid isolation and loneliness, probably the most important key to have in your life is friends. Now Holden does not have many people he would consider friends, that is he only points out the defects of the people who are closest to him, instead of the positives. One of these kids, Ward Stradlater, is
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his roommate at his school, Pencey Prep. According to Holden he is one of those “pretty boys” who gets all the girls and just uses them for a short time to get what he wants. It happens that this reputation of his is what instigates the irritation from Holden towards him, which then leads to a fight between them. Stradlater gets back from a date with Jane Gallagher, who Holden had grown up with and had been drawn to over his younger years, although it has been quite some time since they last spoke. Holden begins to hound him with ...

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