Honor vs. religion

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        The Undermining of Religion

        The Dominance of Honor

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Asad Ali Tayyab

IB SL English 2

Block 5

20 October 2009

Word Count: 1054

The Vicario brothers, found guilty of the brutal murder of Santiago Nasar, are freed after three years of imprisonment. Although found guilty and “sinful,” the brothers are released in the name of the protection of family honor. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Gabriel Garcia Marquez repeatedly condemns the town of holding honor above religion. Throughout the novella, Marquez unmasks the absence of religious values in the town and reveals the hypocrisy that governs the hearts of the townspeople. Not only does Marquez superimpose honor codes over religion, but he discloses the pandemonium that arises due to the supremacy of honor.

        Religion is a solid force that leads people to move on in life in a civilized manner and keep the world from falling apart. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Marquez reveals the diminishing religion through the setting of the novella that eventually leads to the chaotic slaughter of Santiago Nasar. Marquez describes it as a town of people whose lives are filled with alcohol, whorehouses as well as gambling places. All three aspects of the townspeople’s lives are forbidden by the Catholic Church; however, Marquez divulges the corruption of the church in the town as even “the nun…had an eighty-proof hangover” (70). Nevertheless, these ignorant people carry on with their sinful lives. Eventually, it leads to the deflowering of Angela Vicario and the murder of Nasar. Furthermore, the news of the coming of the Bishop spreads around the town and is responded with jubilation around the whole town. On the day of the arrival of the Bishop, “Santiago Nasar put on a shirt and pants of white linen… if it hadn’t been for the Bishop’s arrival, he would have dressed in his khaki outfit…” (5). Marquez cements the fact that the town is filled with hypocrisy by exemplifying Santiago Nasar’s behavior. By putting on a white veil on their bodies, the townspeople intend to hide the darkness and demon that has grown inside their hearts with the ignorance of religion. Moreover, Marquez highlights, “the Bishop didn’t get off his boat… [he] began to make the sign of the cross in the air opposite the crowd…” (16-17). Marquez reinforces the nonexistence of the religion in the town as by underlining the Bishop’s behavior, he makes it apparent that the land these people live on is forsaken and this darkness-filled town symbolizes the sinister hearts of the townspeople.

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        Equally important, Marquez introduces the societal values and the flaws in tradition through the castigation of honor. Throughout his novella, Marquez castigates honor codes and in effect, rebukes the townsmen by labeling them hypocrites. First, Marquez affirms, “the lawyer stood by the thesis of homicide in legitimate defense of honor, which was upheld by the court in good faith” (49). “Legitimate” denotes according to law and by stating “legitimate defense of honor” (49), Marquez exposes the value of honor in the society as honor is able to justify murder. Marquez reveals that honor plays the role of God in the ...

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