Hopes and Dreams in "Of Mice and Men"

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Most people have some kind of hopes or dreams. Hopes are “desires accompanied by expectations of fulfilment, they are one that give promises to the future.” (The Merriam Webster Dictionary, page 367). Dreams are “notable for their beauty, excellence, and/or enjoyable quality.” (The Merriam Webster Dictionary, pages 234-235). However, these dreams are many times thwarted by many obstacles along the way, as happens to George and Lennie’s in John Steinback’s novel, Of Mice and Men. George promises Lennie’s aunt Clara, right before she dies, that he will take care of Lennie, and that they will always be together. During the 1930’s, people
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like Lennie, who has a mental handicap, and black’s, such as Crooks, the stable man, are discriminated. During this time, also known as the Great Depression, barn workers like George and Lennie would go around looking for work at a ranch. Very few Americans owned land, and only rarely did they have any freedom. George and Lennie want to buy a piece of land. To George this symbolizes his freedom, he will then be able to control his destiny, yet to Lennie, it means he will be able to tend the rabbits, and therefore pet them as much as he ...

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Some good points begin to be developed here but they are never fully developed which limits the impact of the response. 3 Stars