Hot lump of lead

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Hot lump of lead

“What the hell is that thing” quizzed Zara.  The three of them lying on top of an old empty hanger left over from when the Russians had control.  The Talliban had now taken it over as one of their main bases.  It was deep into the cold winter, the roofs were covered in snow and ice, making it extremely difficult when moving.

“Here give me them” Mohammad pointed to the binoculars that Zara was using to examine the unknown object.  He got them and after a few seconds of adjusting the focus he whispered almost under his breath, “It’s a nuke.”

After a brief look around with the binoculars Abdula decided he must go down and disarm it.  After a brief plan he filled his mouth with ice to hide his breath and put on his night vision goggles.  He cautiously climbed down the ladder and hid.  After checking that the coast was clear with the other two, he then while crouching, ran over to the bomb.

“Its all too easy” exclaimed Zara. Almost simultaneously a bombing siren went off and about twenty to thirty troops, armed with Russian AK47s and some Kolasnikov sniper rifles, came pouring out of a nearby door beside Abdula.

“Lets go, its not worth risking our position and lives by trying to fire on them, we’re heavily out-gunned” whispered Mohammad.  After a quick look around they scurried to the other side of the roof and scurried through a hole they made in the fence.

Waiting for a bang Abdula closed his eyes and prayed, but after what felt like minutes he received a punch on the back of the head and was dragged into a cell in the base.

The two ran, not looking back until the explosions of the American B52 bombers cargo landed on the runway, completely missing the actual base.

The next morning the two rose to a sick feeling that their close teammate was either dead of being brutally interrogated.

Sure enough Abdula was in a cold, damp cell with grey, bloodstained walls.  The cells echoed every time a drop of icy water fell to the floor.  His face was cut and badly bruised from the pointless beating that he had received.

“So what are we going to do about this then?” asked Zara in a depressed tone.

“Going to get him out” replied Mohammad in a more optimistic tone, “I have informed the Pentagon on the situation and they have dispatched Sadam, a marksman for the white-house.  They are also sending satellite photos of the base with Sadam.”

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“What do we need another sniper for, I am the sniper in this team”

“Yes you are one of the best snipers I could have but you cannot hold off a small army by yourself.”

Later that day there was a loud knock on the door, the two looked at each other, they were not expecting Sadam to arrive to later that night in the shadow of darkness.  In fluent Arabic Mohammad asked, “Who is it?”

“Osama, Osama Bin Lid!” knowing it was a joke Mohammad opened the door to find a short puny man dressed in a robe ...

This is a preview of the whole essay