How accurate do you find Malcolm' s description of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

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Rishi Chandarana, Mrs Rees-Bidder

How accurate do you find Malcolm’ s description of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

In the play, it is easy to understand how Malcolm has misinterpreted 'Macbeth thus dead butcher and his fiend like queen.' We as the audience see a different perspective on the pair; we know them far better than what Malcolm does. From the soliloquy’s we hear the expressions of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, these are’ t heard by Malcolm. Sometimes these soliloquies give out important information, as did

‘Act I scene 7’ Lines 1-5.

If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘twere well

It were done quickly. If th’ assassination

Could trammel up the consequence and catch

With his surcease, success, that but this blow

Might be the be-all and end-all-here.

From the play we realise that the characters of them both are far more complex that what Malcolm believes. Malcom only sees the surface of their characters. In the play we see how Macbeth' s character fluctuates from being less to more like a butcher, this was the complete opposite for Lady Macbeth. She started off fiend like but later many features of her earlier in the play were not to be seen. At the start of the play I believe that Macbeth is less like a butcher. A butcher is a man who kills animals for profits. In this act it is the butcher whom lacks emotion. The opposite happened at Duncan' s murder. Macbeth was too far from a butcher, he did not think or consider. A major problem for Macbeth was his ambition; this was later to be his tragic flaw. Macbeth realises that he has the chance to be great, but he is not ruthless. A few things sparked Macbeth’s ambitions, one of them being crowned the Thane of Cawdor.

At the beginning of the play we as the audience see Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as good trustworthy characters, people who make a few ill judgements. They are both respected and are in a loving relationship. The downfall for them was Macbeth’ s obscure sights of Ambitions. He set them far too high and too quickly. These ambitions were sparked of by the witch’s prophecies.

At the start of the play it is easy to understand how Malcolm’ s interpretation of Macbeth is true. Malcolm is only seeing half sides of the story. From his view he would have a completely different perspective on Macbeth. Macbeth can be described as being faithful, courageous, and noble. He is a Scottish nobleman and an important kinsman of King Duncan. He had shown a heroic leadership of a winning tactic in battle. He was described by his captain as being brave, heroic, and loyal to his country;

‘For brave Macbeth- well he deserves that name-

Disdaining Fortune, with his brandished steel

Which smoked with bloody execution.’

        It was not only his captain from whom he gained respect. King Duncan appreciated him

‘O valiant cousin, worthy gentleman.’

Macbeth then received the worthy title of the Thane of Cawdor. Ross confirmed all about Macbeth and even called him the great goddess of War

‘Till that Bellona’ s bridegroom, lapped in proof.

        After all of these great complements, a great flaw in Macbeth’ s character arrived, his ambitions. We see that he is less like a butcher, he was manipulated. It was the flaw in his character that allowed him to follow her command.

At the start of the play it is easy to understand how Malcom believes Lady Macbeth is a ‘fiend like Queen’. From the audiences point of view she also came across as fiend, but right at the beginning Lady Macbeth was willing to turn into an evil creature just for her husband. She realised Macbeth’ s potentials, seeing that he could be great but he was not ruthless. She took that upon board and begged the evil spirits to take away her feminine qualities away

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‘Come, you spirits that tend on Moral thoughts,

Unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe,

Top full of direct cruelty.’ (I.V.38-41)

 Later in the play when Macbeth does become King, she is satisfied and he isn’ t. This really shows that L. Macbeth is not all evil, and she is doing it for the benefit of her husband.

As we went on with the play we saw the first changes, after the three witches told Macbeth that he would become King. At first Macbeth did ...

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