How and in what ways is Othello a victim in the play "Othello" by William Shakespeare?

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How and in what ways is Othello a victim in the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare?

In this essay I am going to show how Othello is a victim in the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare. I will do this by comparing Othello to other characters and giving examples of how certain characters and situations affect this victimisation. Throughout the play Othello is a victim in many ways, some self-caused but most caused by others.

        One of the most obvious reasons for Othello being victimised is the colour of his skin, as he is a lone black person in an all-white Venetian society. This means that he is subjected to racial abuse and stereotyping, with comments such as “sooty breast” and “thick lips” being directed at him. However, not all people look down on him as in fact he is also the general of the Venetian army and demands respect. Only people who have direct problems with Othello that use racially abusive remarks. This leads onto the next way in which Othello is a victim. Iago, who works for Othello has strong feelings of hatred and jealousy towards him; this is because Iago feels he should have been appointed assistant general to the army, but instead Othello appointed his friend Cassio and now Iago seeks revenge. First he does this by manipulating his friend Roderigo’s love for Othello’s wife Desdemona and altering it to make him also despise Othello. By the end of act 1 scene 3 Iago’s intentions are clear as he plainly states, “I hate the Moor.”

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        Othello later becomes a victim of his own emotions and characteristics, as Iago begins to weave a deadly net of lies. This begins when Othello talks to Iago about a handkerchief that he gave to Desdemona and made her give her word that she would not give to anyone. Iago takes this chance to set Othello up by saying “But such a handkerchief, did I today see Cassio wipe his beard with.” This leads Othello to believe that Desdemona must be having an affair with Cassio. After the conversation Iago requests his wife Emilia, who just happens to be Desdemona’s ...

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