How did fate take part in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?

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Romeo & Juliet

How did fate take part in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet?

We must first answer the question: what is fate? A definition of fate would be the power that is supposed to settle ahead of time how things will happen. Could there be such a power that regulates our lives, In Romeo and Juliet fate was a big issue in times where they believed in superstitions. In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it is right to say that Fate was the only contributor to the deaths of the young couple, or was it brought about by the mistakes of others?

In the contemporary world, all people choose to believe that they know ho to be responsible and be able to control their own lives. They believe that their problems are caused by actions influencing upon them. The Prologue at the beginning of the play suggests it was mainly fate that was to blame, “star-cross’d lovers and “death-mark’d love” are examples of this.

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Romeo is a adolescent who was born into a rival family called the Montages', The Montage's have been having a feud with the copulates for generations. Romeo who unfortunately falls in love with Juliet, a Capulet whose family is bitter enemies of the montages. He blames fate or misfortune for nearly all that goes wrong: after he kills Tybalt, he then realises the consequence of his action but prefers to blame the stars father than himself.

"O, I am fortunes fool"

Juliet is an immature young 14 years old; she is kind, trustworthy, obeys her parents and ...

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