How did the Romans View the Britons and the conquest?

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Classical Civilisation Coursework 3 - How did the Romans View the Britons and the conquest?

People say a fort is a fort, no matter where you go, and size, position and people make no difference to that. However, I disagree. Up here on the north of Hadrian’s Wall, it becomes incredibly cold incredibly quickly, and the weather and climate change as often as the guard duty.

        Speaking of guard duty, being high up on the top of the walls gets extremely cold and often becomes very windy. Not only this, but guard duty rapidly becomes extremely tedious, and I get very bored very easily. Unfortunately, there’s no way to escape this, I do it for my emperor, and I am more than happy to give 25 years of my life in service for the country.

Once my 25 years are up, I will finally get to retire, something I look forward to greatly, and I will finally be able to legally raise a family – while it is illegal to have a wife, many soldiers do so nonetheless, although I have stayed loyal to my country and focused on the conquest of the Romans- and take up a more relaxed job, possibly as a farmer. The pay as a farmer will be far superior to how it is for me at the moment, solely because I have to pay for all my armour and meals, without any choice of our own. It seems extremely unfair that we have to suffer when it’s us who is serving our country, but I have no choice in the matter.

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We also occasionally have to assist in the building of new walls, buildings and forts, which for someone such as myself is extremely tiring and hard labour. When we did make the wall, we painted it white, which made it stand out more. The magnitude of it was extremely impressive, and showed me just what the Roman army can do in that short a space of time.

The Britons here are so pathetic and far behind us technologically, they seem so pathetic to me. They live in wooden huts, the silly little Britons; you would have thought they would ...

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