How do the poets present the significance of adults in a childs life in Half Past Two, Piano and my parents kept me from children who were rough?

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How do the poets present the significance of adults in a child’s life in ‘Half Past Two’, ‘Piano’ and ‘my parents kept me from children who were rough’?

In all three poems the narrator is recollecting their past with a sense of regret. Even though the adult in the poem try to do what they thought was the best for the child but only managed to hamper the speaker’s feeling on his childhood in some way or the other. In the poem, "Piano", written by D.H. Lawrence, the narrator is affected by a person playing a piano. A woman sings softly to him while he reminiscences about his childhood and his near perfect childhood owing to his mother. The speaker in ‘Half Past Two’ shows how by being punished by his teacher he was allowed to escape into timelessness for a short period after which he is brought back into the “clock filled land”. Now that the speaker is an adult he yearns to be free and away from time constraints. In ‘My Parents Kept Me From Children Who Were Rough’ the speaker recalls his childhood and how he could not be a part of a group due to his parents restriction. The speaker rues his chances of being with the rough children who were always free and suggesting he is never going to be happy about his childhood.

The speaker in Piano shows his nostalgic attitude towards his mother. The narrator reveals his nostalgia when in the second line itself he says “Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see”. The longing and nostalgia are apparent in the last three words show his desire and want to relive these moments with his mother. Another instance when the narrator is nostalgic is when he says

“To the old Sunday evenings at home, with winter outside

 And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano our guide”

The image given to the reader by this quote is of a child and his mother cuddled up in their house with a fire and singing songs in a very relaxed mood. The diction choice used brings an image of calm and peaceful childhood. Due to the impression given by words such as ‘Hymns in the cosy parlour’ which illustrate the comfortable past the readers realize his want, to go back and experience those bittersweet moment once again. On “old Sunday evenings” Sundays are usually off days and time to relax and DH Lawrence describing this moment implies to the reader the narrators longing of being free and with his mother on Sunday evenings. “The tinkling piano our guide” show the casual atmosphere and the how the narrator and his mother did not care about time or any other thing but just let the music. The narrator thus implies that he wants to go back this moment and is shown as being wistful. This also presents a conflict as the speaker likes his memories but dislikes his continuing nostalgia.  

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However it can also be said that due to his mother and his almost idyllic childhood he feels as if he cannot function like a normal adult. The diction and tone used in the poem reveals the narrators struggle. This feeling is presented to the reader when the speaker says “my manhood is cast down”. This reveals that the narrator believes that due to his upbringing he cannot live like a grown man, also the questioning of his masculinity shows that he has no self belief and he is in doubt as if he is scared to live like a ...

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