How do the two Writers differ in their Exploration and Presentation of Evil?

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How do the two Writers differ in their

 Exploration and Presentation of Evil?

Both books explore evil through a main character. In “The Fifth Child” Ben is the rejected child who interferes, and ruins his family’s life, however Hyde in “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” is the evil of a respectable doctor, Jekyll. Robert Stevenson’s story was published in 1886 and was based on his horrific childhood growing up in the dark, lonely streets of Victorian Times, in Edinburgh. Lessing has written about a small town outside London where Ben is brought up by an old-fashioned family through the 60s and 70s. The book was first published in 1988. Both writers differ in their exploration and presentation of evil.

The plots of the two novels both focus on the evil character.

In “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, Mr Utterson walked through the streets of London. His friend Enfield tells how one night, he saw a girl, who was running, suddenly colliding with a strange, small man. Then the man walked over the child's body and left her screaming. The man, who was called Mr Hyde, brought a cheque, to give to the family of the child, but his name was not written on it. Dr Jekyll was.

Finding this occurrence strange Utterson took out the will of his old friend Dr Jekyll, in which he said he wished to leave everything to Edward Hyde in case he died or disappeared. Mr Utterson spent many hours in the street where Enfield had seen Hyde, until one night he met Mr Hyde. As soon as he had met Hyde, Utterson thought that there was something evil in him and he became worried about Dr Jekyll. A year later Hyde was seen murdering Sir Danvers Carew with a stick. A letter was found addressed to Utterson.

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Mr Utterson visited Dr Jekyll, who had also heard of the murder. Jekyll had received a letter from Hyde that said Hyde had gone and Jekyll didn't need to worry about his own safety anymore. Later, Utterson found out that Jekyll might have written that letter, because the handwriting was similar to the handwriting of Jekyll's will. Time passed and Mr Hyde hadn't appeared. Dr Jekyll was happy and invited friends to his house until, suddenly, on January 12th he refused to see any more.

Utterson visited Lanyon who was terribly ill and it seemed as if him and Jekyll ...

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