How does Arthur Conan Doyle build tension and atmosphere in 'The Speckled Band'

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How does Arthur Conan Doyle build tension/suspense and atmosphere in “The Speckled Band”?

Arthur Conan Doyle used the character named Sherlock Holmes to create a murder mystery genre short story. He uses the clever, sly and mysterious character to capture the readers. At the time the stories were written the Victorians were very frightened of crime because the police at the time weren’t stopping crime as they should, also at the time the fearsome “Jack the Ripper” was loose on the slums of London, so this new character brought some relief to the frightened citizens. At the time the police were failing to commit to there job and stop the crime that was taking place. This meant there was a lot of fear about crime around because the people of London had no force to protect themselves from the evil on the streets. At this time Arthur Conan Doyle tapped into this idea and created Holmes, this gave relief to the readers. Doyle had to use one of the main techniques in a murder mystery story to keep the story alive, keeping tension and suspense at a high throughout.

Towards the start of the mystery Doyle builds up the idea of the story by showing the idea of fear in Helen Stoner. When Helen says “It is not cold which makes me shiver” and “It is terror”. This builds up the idea of the story as then she begins to tell Holmes about her problem. By noticing how she is terrified and telling Holmes about the mystery she is facing, we automatically find that we are dealing with a murder mystery genre. The way Holmes observes everything Miss Stoner does shows he is a very clever man and leads you to think she has come to him for him to solve her mystery, this gives us the idea he is a detective, further convincing us that there is a mystery to be solved. At the very begging Sherlock Holmes’s apprentice is talking to us, telling us about him studying Mr Holmes work. The way Doyle sets up the mystery shows us he is a clever writer as we can always be asking what is going to happen next. When Holmes starts asking questions it starts giving us ideas about the mystery we are dealing with, further setting up the story. We also see the idea of contrast between how we see things. We meet Helen Stoner, a woman who fears for her life, and is shaking with fear; she is in a terrible state. Then we see Sherlock Holmes. He is calm, easy going and already at work the moment he meets his client. Then we meet Dr Grimsby Roylott. He “seizes” things and “storms” about the place, he is a very large man and works with his anger and strength.

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We see Helen Stoner as a very fragile and afraid woman. We see that when she enters the room she is very shivery, but this isn’t because its cold, we know this because not only does the writing tell us but it also describes her to be sat next to a fire. We see that Helen stoner is very fragile because she fears for her life. We know this when she says “It is fear, Mr Holmes. It is terror”. This shows that something is frightening her. We then find out that she needs Holmes to help her. She looks ...

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