How does Dickens create sympathy for his characters in the opening passage of Great Expectations?

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How does Dickens create sympathy for his characters in the opening passage of Great Expectations?

Published initially as a weekly contribution in a local newspaper, Dickens’ Great Expectations developed to be a great success. Great Expectations was a story for all classes, both rich and poor appreciated his efforts. Great Expectations is the tale of Phillip Pirrip who has no family except an older sister, he feels insecure in the world around him. Having no parents to give him a sense of identity, he wanders in the wilderness that is the graveyard to search for answers. Dickens’ own life was very much along the lines of Pip, his father a well paid clerk went to jail for unpaid debts. Dickens himself was a weak and feeble child who was not cared for. He moulds his family history in to the character of Pip, who also suffers in a way that Dickens had. This essay focuses on which writing techniques Dickens uses to help the reader empathize with the characters of Pip and Magwich. The techniques in particular to be examined are setting, characterization, narrative voice and dialogue.

The chapter opens in the desolate setting of a marshy graveyard. Already an ambience of anxiety and uncertainty has been created. The marsh is a symbol of wilderness, amid which stands a lonely Pip. Pip is physically and mentally alone in his surroundings; he has no sense of belonging. This helps the reader empathize Pip’s helplessness and isolation. The wet and marshy scenery resemble a distorted nature, which reflects the events happening in Pip’s life. The graveyard symbolizes death and terror. It is in the graveyard that Pip realizes the death of his parents and encounters Magwich.

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Pip’s innocent mind hallucinates about the appearance of his parents from their tombstones; his misreading of the situation represents a lack of communication. This creates sympathy for Pip because the reader knows that Pip’s childish conclusions are shadowed from the truth. Pip’s gloomy and unpleasant surroundings transform him into a “small bundle of shivers”. The reader is once again reminded of Pip’s vulnerability and defenselessness. The reader feels sympathy for Pip’s misfortune as he suffers from the grief of his family and then terrorization from a “fearful” convict. For Pip death is in the form of Magwich, a violent convict ...

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