How does Dickens use language and other techniques to establish the environment, setting and characters in the opening chapter

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How does Dickens use language and other techniques to establish the environment, setting and characters in the opening chapter of Great Expectations?

        In the novel Great Expectations Charles Dickens has tried to establish the following aspects in the opening chapter: environment, setting and character. He has introduced to the reader the two main characters of the novel, Magwitch and Pip. With the introduction of each character, we have a background to their life, for example we find out that both of Pips parents have died, and that Magwitch has escaped from prison. The main plot of this book is about a boy whom everyone had great expectations for.

        The opening chapter of any novel is important because it introduces us to all of the main characters, and without this introduction we might not realise what they have already been through, and it would be hard to understand the character properly.

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        Dickens has chosen to set the opening chapter in a graveyard because it gives us an insight into Pip’s background. Without this background information, we would not feel as sorry for Pip, as we wouldn’t know that both his parents were dead we know they are dead because Pip says “as I never saw my mother or father” from this quote alone we can see that Pips life hasn’t been a very happy one.

        Great Expectations can be used to assume that Dickens’s life wasn’t a very happy one either. Charles Dickens was sent to debtor’s prison with his father ...

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