How does George Orwell present power in Animal Farm

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How does George Orwell present the theme of power in Animal Farm?

In this essay I will be looking at how George Orwell presents the theme of power in Animal Farm.  I will be focusing on the characters ‘Snowball and Napoleon’.

Throughout the story Napoleon was mean and cruel to Snowball to gain power and make Snowball look bad. As Snowball lost power and trust within all the animals in the farm, Napoleon gained more power to the point where Snowball was powerless and Napoleon had all the power.

George Orwell published the book ‘Animal Farm’ in 1945 on 17th August.  According to George Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to and during the Stalin era before World War 2. Animal Farm was not released until after the war because publishers feared to touch it until that time. Animal Farm is based on the Russian Revolution of 1917, which ended the reign of tsars and began communism in Russia.

The pigs: Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer, adapt Old Major's ideas, which they name Animalism, this comes from the philosophy of Communism. Soon after, Napoleon and Squealer indulge in the vices of humans, drinking alcohol, sleeping in beds, trading etc, “Some of the animals were disturbed when they heard that the pigs not only took their meals in the kitchen and used the drawing-room as a recreation room, but also slept in the beds”.

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Napoleon is the main villain of Animal Farm, “A large, rather fierce looking Berkshire boar, the only Berkshire on the farm, not much of a talker, but with a reputation for getting his own way”, an allegory of Stalin. He begins gradually to build up his power by taking Jessie and Bluebell’s newborn puppies and training them to be vicious attack dogs to guard him.

After driving Snowball away and off the farm, Napoleon uses full power by using false propaganda through Squealer and threats to all the other animals. He will command his guard dogs to ...

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