How does Jane Austen ensure that Lizzy and Darcy are the most attractive couple in the novel?

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How does Jane Austen ensure that Lizzy and Darcy are the most attractive couple in the novel?

We are introduced to the character of Lizzy early on, and in such away that we are immediately given a positive impression of her. We first hear of her in a conversation between Mr and Mrs Bennet when discussing the arrival of Mr Bingley.

 “I must throw in a good word for my little Lizzy” Mr Bennet says, “Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters”

This is the first impression that we have of Lizzy. To introduce her character in this way means that even before meeting her, we are already thinking of her character and already have an image of her in our minds. We see that Mr Bennet points out Lizzy’s ‘quickness’, showing that she is clever and not absent minded and dull. By hearing his praise of her, we can not dislike her unless we see something that we disapprove, which never occurs, as such.

In order for Darcy and Elizabeth to be attractive as a couple, they also need to be attractive as individuals. Their attractiveness, not just of looks but of personality, are hinted to us throughout the novel. Lizzy is strong-willed, witty, bright and intelligent.

“Really, ma’am, I think it would be very hard upon younger sisters, that they should not have their share of society and amusement, because the elderly may not have the means or inclination to marry early. The last born has a good a right to the pleasures of youth as the first.”

This is from the conversation between Lizzy and Lady Catherine about Lydia’s marriage, which shows how Lizzy is happy to speak her mind and show her point of view. To the reader this is admirable, perhaps especially at the time when in society she would have kept it to herself due to her age, position and feminism. We see also, that various people, like her father, have much more respect for her due to it. This leads to influence us to see her in the same way.

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Darcy originally appears to us in a different manner. While the first impression we get of Lizzy is positive, the impression we get of Darcy is soon considerably negative. However, Jane Austen does not immediately influence us to dislike him.

“his friend Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a-year.”

The quote is taken from when Darcy first enters the story at the Meryton ball. He is talked of with ...

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