How does JB Priestly use dramatic devices in an inspector calls to have an effect on the audience

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Dramatic Devices Priestley uses dramatic devices very well throughout his play to convey his concerns and ideas to the audience. The dramatic devices he uses affect the play remarkably. Moreover, the dramatic devices relate to his concerns: lies, pride, love and responsibility. He creates an impression on the audience by using dramatic devices; different devices are used to create different impressions on the audience. Firstly, a dramatic device that Priestley uses is lighting. The lighting used, changes throughout the play, depending on the situation and the atmosphere. Before the inspector arrives, when the atmosphere is light-hearted and joyful, the lighting is pink, warm and friendly, suggesting that everyone in the room is close together; there is no friction or tension amongst the characters. However, when the inspector arrives, the lighting becomes more intense and powerful, furthering the added impression of extra tension. This impression is backed up in the text, which states, 'Pink and intimate until the inspector arrives and then brighter and harder afterwards'. This shows that the inspector is a bringer of truth - he changes the tone and atmosphere from comfortable to awkward - unmasks the creations of wealth and privilege and exposes the ugly truths underneath society's veneer. The themes or concerns that this aspect of dramatic devices relate to here are lies and pride. Another dramatic device that Priestley uses to show his impressions and concerns about
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capitalist people is the set that he has the family based in. Furthermore, the play takes places for the most part in the Birling's living room; a room that despite being vast and expensive, didn't give you the impression of a relaxed atmosphere; they were in a house, not a home. The living room was described in the text as, 'Substantial and heavily comfortable but not cosy and homelike'. Relating this to Priestley's themes, it is clear that this shows pride and wealth. Theses are shown to be meaningless by the end of the play and the events that follow ...

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