How does Priestly use the characters in the play to give a political and social message to his audience?

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Abubakar Hatimy

How does Priestly use the characters in the play to give a political and social message to his audience?

J B Priestly (1894-1984) wrote An Inspector Calls in 1945, right after the Second World War. The main reason that the play was written was to give the audience of his time a social and political message. The play is set in the fictitious North Midlands industrial city of Brumley in 1912. He wrote the play to give his audience a social and political message. John Boynton Priestly was one of the most popular, versatile and prolific authors of his day. Though he may not have produced an unquestioned masterpiece, his work in many fields of literature and thought, written from the 1920s to his death, is still highly valued. The best known of his sixteen novels, The Good Companions (1929), which has been adapted for stage, film and television, or Literature and Western Man (1960) which shows his works of popular history and literacy criticism are numerous.

However, it was as a playwright and as a political and social think that Priestly was as especially important and certainly these two aspects of Priestly are what matter most in An Inspector Calls. Politically Priestly was a patriotic socialist whose love of his country could appear nostalgic, but was passionately convinced of the need for social change to benefit the poor. This is shown by the fact that he was proud of his grandparents being mill workers. During the Second World War his weekly broadcasts were highly influential and expressed his faith in the ordinary people of Britain. In the last year of the war Priestly was writing An Inspector Calls, which he saw as a contribution to public understanding, which might lead to a labour election victory after the war (as happened in 1945).

‘We have to fight this great battle not only with guns in daylight, but alone in the night, communing with our souls, strengthening our faith that in common men everywhere there is a spring of innocent aspiration and good will that shall not be sealed’ J B Priestly, 1940.

Priestly wrote the play An Inspector Calls for one particular reason, to give his society a message, the message was a political and social one, this meant that he was trying to show the ‘ignorant’ and ‘old fashioned’ side to the society what was wrong in the society, and was showing them that there was a better side to life, he was also showing that people should not predict a better future but try to build a better future themselves because in 1912 when the play is set, a lot of people were making predictions about no more wars, better advancement in technology and basically the whole world will advance to in to a new ‘age’ except for Russia who was going through a  revolution.

The entire play takes place in one night during the first week of April in 1912, it is set in the dinning room; this represents the whole society because Priestly is giving a message to his society through the events that occur in the play and the whole entire play takes place in the dinning room of a ‘fairly large suburban house’ which happens in only one evening but the whole play shows two years and a whole town taking place. This is done by the fact that the characters in the play talk about when Eva Smith got fired and the cause, which took place two years before the play had, took place. It is also presents different places for example when Eric was talking about being an alcoholic and womanising in the bars.

One method that Priestly adopts to give his audience a social and political message with his characters in the play is to show the usage of lies in the society, no matter the class, lies abound in An Inspector Calls. The characters lie to each other, to the Inspector, and to them selves. These lies are not confined to simple misrepresentation of the truth, as when Mrs Birling denies having known about the truth Joe Meggarty.

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“Well, really! Alderman Meggarty! I must say, we are learning something tonight.”

Although Mrs Birling appears shocked to learn of the commonly accepted truth about Joe Meggarty, it is credible that she can have been so ignorant of his reputation if at least three out of six people present thought it common knowledge?

Another way that the plays gives a social and political message with his characters is the fact that the play also shows how true it is that the usage of pride comes before a fall – especially the false pride shown by some of ...

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