How does Shakespeare build and sustain suspend leading up to and during the murder of King Duncan?

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William Kenny



Question:  How does Shakespeare build and sustain suspend leading up to and during the murder of King Duncan?  You should think about:

  • The plot and structure, how events unfold
  • How characters develop
  • How events must be staged and the impact on the audience
  • The moral aspect to the play

     Shakespeare would have written this for a Jacobean audience, who believed strongly in the existence of witches and witchcraft and loved the idea of their world being threatened by evil.  Shakespeare would have written this play with the thought of the current King, James I (who also loved witchcraft), in mind and would have portrayed him as a loving and merciful King.


     Shakespeare’s play ‘Macbeth’ is set in Elizabethan Scotland.  It is a tragedy that involves a king and his noblemen.  The king in the story was King Duncan, who was a wise and kind king who placed his trust easily in others.  The main character in the play, Macbeth, is one of the kings most trusted noblemen.  Macbeth was currently Thane of Glamis and had great ambition to become something more.  He was a brave and honourable soldier who was very loyal to his king and country.

     The tension in the play starts from the outset, with the three witches meeting together.  The witches begin to talk, what sounds like, nonsense to each other.  Each of their sentences does not make sense; they seem to contradict themselves with every sentence that they use.  To an Elizabethan audience the idea of witches was very scary and un-nerving.  During the Elizabethan times there was a great interest and belief in witchcraft and other paranormal activities.  This scene is very short and gets the audience to wonder about what is going to happen next.  Shakespeare started this play very unusually; he started it without the presence of the main character, Macbeth.

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     In act one scene two we hear about Macbeth for the first time, but we do not see him.  We are told about Macbeth’s and Banquo’s success in the battle for Scotland and hear about his bravery in the battlefields.  The current Thane of Cawdor was discovered to be a traitor to King Duncan and so he was stripped of his title, which was then given to Macbeth “And with his former title greet Macbeth”.  We the audience find out that Macbeth is the new Thane of Cawdor even before Macbeth does, so this gives the audience ...

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