How does Shakespeare Create Atmosphere using the Language

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               March 29, 2000                                                                                                    Tommy Gunn

How does Shakespeare Create Atmosphere using the Language?

        Most of the play is written in Iambic Pentameter, which affects how it feels and the atmosphere because it sets the fast tempo of the play. If the play had been written with, for example, more a flowing style then it would seem less urgent and more secure because Iambic Pentameter is very choppy which gives it a sense of urgency because it moulds the tone voice to sound urgent. This is effective for many parts of the play such as Act 5 scenes III and IV when Macbeth is just waiting for the soldiers to come to the castle before his nearly certain death.

        Iambic Pentameter has the stress every second syllable so it is not very flexible because there is not much room to be creative because the stress is so frequent. I think that it is used because it gives the sense of urgency. This is because it makes people feel unstable and unsettled. This is good for the play because the plot is about a murder that is totally wrong and the murderers cannot come to terms with it and so they suffer and die as well, this is not supposed to make the audience feel reassured and settled! This next quotation shows the choppy style and how it can help make the scene unsettled. ‘MACBETH: This is a sorry sight.

LADY MACBETH: A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight.

MACBETH: There’s one did laugh in’s sleep,

And one cried Murther, that they did awake each other:

I stood, and heard them: but they did say their prayers,

And address’d them again to sleep.’ Act 2 scene II

This quotation is after the murder of Duncan, the king and shows the effect of Iambic Pentameter. The lines are choppy and this makes it feel unsettled because it is not flowing smoothly because it sounds as if it keeps stopping.

        The quotation also follows on to another clever effect used in the play, which is the absence of the important murders such as the murders of Duncan and Banquo. This is a clever effect, not because it is very difficult to make a murder look effective (which it is), but mostly because this give the impression that the murder is so horrific that it cannot be shown. Also this encourages you to think how horrific it could have been and this is clever because the mind can embellish things and make them the most horrific imaginable and this could not be done on stage so it is best to leave it to the imagination.

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The imagery is a major factor that is used constantly throughout the play because it helps the mind to establish the feeling of the play. For instance, the image of blood clotting in Act 1 scene V. This image can be interpreted in two ways. The first being that the blood is the like the blood of Duncan which will stop flowing when he is murdered. The other being the blood carrying feelings such as love, compassion and remorse and this is clotted in Lady Macbeth and so she will act dangerously and spontaneously without thinking, which, in ...

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