How does Shakespeare create tension in Act 3 scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet

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Shakespeare: How does Shakespeare create tension in Act 3 scene 1 of ‘Romeo and Juliet’  

Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a love story about a boy (Romeo) and a girl (Juliet), that fall in love even though they are forbidden because of their two families years of hatred to one another, and their journey through the highs and lows, which unfortunately ends in their deaths because they cannot be together. There are three main themes that run throughout the whole play, one of them is fate, which was strongly believed in at Shakespeare’s time and is shown by Romeo when he kills Tybalt which then means he has changed the paths of his life. Another is violence vs. peace and is shown by how the conflict between the two families is set against the life of Romeo and Juliet. Love vs. hate is another theme which is shown by the two children of enemy households fall in love, but are forced to keep is a secret.

In Elizabethan times, the ideas of fate, family honour -which is shown by the two families fighting for the family name- and love at first sight were strongly believed in and put into the play for the reason that the audience can then relate to the characters, however for a modern day audience this would seem far-fetched and unlikely. Shakespeare and the Elizabethan’s also were strong believers of superstitions, curses and the idea that the natural world can influence your mood, which is shown when Mercutio is dying and cries out ‘A plague O’ both your houses.’ which is an example of a curse, and yet at the same time Shakespeare uses the intense heat at the start of the scene to build tension.

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The structure that Shakespeare uses for ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is clever as it works both before and with act 3 scene 1 to create three main parts that do that: One is the prince’s warning that is whoever fights again shall be killed or banished, these events develop in act 3 scene 1 as Mercutio and Tybalt fight, and eventually Romeo kills Tybalt for killing Mercutio; another is where Tybalt sees Romeo at the party, which leads up to the fight scene between Mercutio and Tybalt; the last is the marriage of Romeo and Juliet that has to be kept ...

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The student uses technical terms, identifying and mentioning many techniques and also explaining the effect which is great. The essay however, as mentioned earlier, does not flow well, and some of the sentences are too long which then makes it confusing and hard to read. This is because by the end of the sentence, it may be that the reader forgets the initial point as it isn't broken up well. Grammar is poor in places, with some typing errors as well. I would suggest a thorough read through before submitting any work. If this is not enough, then I have learnt that asking a friend to read it through for you is also very helpful as they can spot out mistakes that you might have missed out.

The level of analysis in this essay is good with excellent ideas and breakdown of both single words and phrases. Single word analysis gives the essay more depth, which not only raises the grade boundary but is a great skill to have for any other essays and will also help in many other subjects. However, I feel the essay needs more analysis, as although wherever analysis exists it is excellent, there is not enough. I have noticed on some instances where parts of the play are quoted, but this is also not enough, and more evidence needs to be given, preferably embedded as this gives more marks.

I think that the response to the question is done well, with the student regularly linking back to the question- a habit which I have learnt to be very useful in an essay. Regular linking back is not only one of the criterions of a good essay, but it also helps the reader not to diverge from the question and talk about irrelevant things. However, a lot of the essay consists of the student telling the story more than analysing. This is not a good practice as it does not score much marks no matter how long it is, and it becomes difficult when writing other essays which would have a word limit, when it becomes a routine. The essay does not flow well and one skill that is stressed is to conceptualise your response, which not only makes it flow well, but also makes the essay consistent. A good way to do this is to have a thorough plan.