How does Shakespeare show the change in Juliets fortunes in act 3 scene 5

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How does Shakespeare show the change in Juliet’s fortunes in this scene?

Act 3 scene 5 is a vital scene in Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” as it is the last time the ‘star crossed lovers’ will see each other alive. It is a scene which explores the other, darker sides of the relationships between the main characters. A significant clue to act three scene fives importance is the wide range of emotions used within it, testing limits and showing new sides to characters. This scene shows the tragic results of past events leading to a sequence of fatal misunderstandings and terrible consequences.

At the early stage in this scene the two “star-crossed lovers” are in blissful happiness this is shown when Romeo says “look, love what envious streaks of light do lace the severing clouds in the yonder east” this suggests that even the sunlight is envious of their happiness and has chosen to arise after the night that they spent together, the repetition of the comparison of Juliet to the sun, moon and stars throughout the play further reinforces this point, Strengthening the sense of blissful happiness- “therefore stay yet. Thou need’st not be gone” this suggests that Juliets content is such that she has completely forgotten the danger Romeo is in. Another interpretation is that Juliet tries to deny the arrival of the coming day to prolong her time with Romeo. Their language is passionate and intense as Romeo agrees to stay and face his, this implies that Juliet’s delight in Romeo’s company is never-ending, and separation is worse than death.  “How isn’t my soul? Let’s talk” this show that the relationship between Romeo and Juliet is no longer flirtatious, but deeper and caring, this give a light hearted atmosphere and further presents the theme of happiness. Shakespeare uses specific phrases such as “night’s candles” and vault heaven instead of words like “stars” and “sky” as this creates a more romantic ambiance along with blissful happiness.

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This “romantic” atmosphere however is interrupted by the Nurse, warning Juliet of her mother approaching. The mood becomes hasty and panicked as Juliet does not want her new husband to be killed. Although Romeo and Juliet have just spent the night together, and although Romeo has to leave, they are both still quite happy. Through the language, Shakespeare reveals many premonitions for the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet. This is the scene on which the play turns and all the scenes following are full of extreme actions and tragedy. The first dark note of the scene is when Juliet ...

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