How does Shakespeare show the changes in Macbeth during the play?

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How does Shakespeare show the changes in Macbeth during the play?

To be able to show the changes that Shakespeare shows we mush first have a look at what he acts like at the start.  At the start of the book we first come across the witches.  Although this particular scene has no direct affect on the way Macbeth acts through the book it does give us some foreshadowing into what might happen.  The main line in this opening scene is “fair is foul, and foul is fair.” At the very start this does not have very much meaning but when looked at this line is predicting that whatever a person might seem on the outside the inside may be very different.

We then meet the king and some of his family friends and advisers.  Of these many people start to tell us about how good Macbeth is and compliment him.  With compliments like “noble Macbeth” “O valiant cousin” Duncan.  “Brave Macbeth.” “Valour’s minion” “they doubly redoubled” from a sergeant.  All of these make out that Macbeth is a brave and valiant man, however we must remember the “fair is foul, and foul is fair” because Macbeth seems to be too good.  After this introduction to Macbeth we are reunited with the witches and they then tell Macbeth and Banquo 3 prophesises each both of them receive them with little trust.  But after this we then see that Macbeth wants to know more of what will happen in his future. “Stay you unperfect speaker, tell me more.”  This is when we first notice that Macbeth seems to want power.  He continues to saw line like “and thane of Cawdor too; went is not so?”  This shows us that what the witches have said have started to manifest in his head it is like planting a seed it will slowly grow until it is strong.

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So far we can see that Macbeth is a very brave and valiant man and both acts like one and is perceived as one by others.  After the bravery shown by Macbeth the king then plans to got to his castle.  This is when the actions of the witches start to affect the people around him.  We find out that he has sent a note ahead to his castle telling of the witches and of the kings near arrival, and in this time his wife has taken it upon herself to make sure that he gets his prophesises.


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