How does William Blatty convey the theme of supernatural and how does he present the elements of the supernatural in ways which work?

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Sarah-Jane Slattery

Galashiels Academy

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How does William Blatty convey the theme of supernatural and how does he present the elements of the supernatural in ways which work?

        William Blatty's novel 'The Exorcist' is said to be a landmark in the history of popular literature and it can still cause hype when it is being discussed. This novel was made into a terrifying film that was banned for many years because of its horrifying content. Although people's attitudes and perspective of what is scary has changed, it still manages to cause controversy after almost thirty years. Due to the impact that this supernatural novel, which unearths Satanism and possession, still has, I was influenced to read it. I wanted to see if this novel deserved its reputation of being a disturbing and completely frightening experience for the reader. After reading the novel, I decided that it would be a good piece to examine because the supernatural is a very interesting and unknown issue and I feel the way in which Blatty presents the elements of the supernatural in this novel, make it quite fascinating. To achieve this there are many elements he uses, such as the conventional prologue, setting, climaxing of events, dangers of dabbling in the supernatural, religious angle and the language.

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        The novel begins by emphasising how mighty and uncontrollable evil is by conveying to the reader how it has been around for thousands of years. The evil is in the form of a demon called Pazuzu whose dominion was sickness and disease. This conventional prologue, which is suggesting supernatural evil is as ancient as the ruins of the demons temple, creates an enemy character who is more powerful and knowledgeable than the usual rivalry in a battle. This ancient evil causes so much fear to a priest on the archaeological dig of these temples that he is filled with ...

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