How does William Shakespeare create a sense of tension within the play Romeo and Juliet(TM)?

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Sefket Birdane

  Shakespeare Essay

In this essay I will examine how William Shakespeare creates a sense of tension within the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ using various techniques. I will provide evidence for the different tension areas from the play and elucidate them. I will also give some background knowledge of the play, a brief synopsis and isolate the different situations that the main characters are in, at alternative tension points in the play.

‘Romeo and Juliet’ is thought to have been written in 1595 by William Shakespeare. It is classified as a romantic tragedy as it follows many of the main themes, such as: betrayal, love, power and murder. They are also the ingredients of a tragic hero, as Romeo falls from grace because of the many conflicts he has in the play. As well as this, it is also assumed to be the greatest love story ever written. It is a play written to entertain the audience.

The play itself begins with the prologue which sets the scene in detail. Furthermore he uses a sonnet which is traditionally a love poem. Shakespeare uses this because essentially ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a love story. In addition, a sonnet ends with a rhyming couplet and sets up the play for the use of dramatic irony. This is when the audience know more than the characters on stage, for instance the audience know that ‘Romeo and Juliet’ will die from the prologue; whereas the characters obviously do not.

Following the prologue is Act One Scene One where Shakespeare commences the play with a civil brawl. He successfully builds tension using a variety of methods.

Firstly, Shakespeare builds tension by opening the play with a fight developing.

‘A dog of the house of Montague moves me.’

This indicates that there are two households that have an ancient bitterness against each other. The audience are shown that a new generation are trying to renew the quarrel. By presenting a fight at the beginning between the servants of Capulet and Montague, Shakespeare builds tension effectively as originally the audience are interested as to the outcome of the fight that seems to have started over nothing. Ultimately, they begin to wonder how this fight will relate to Romeo and Juliet’s deaths.

Shakespeare further builds tension through the contrasting personalities of Tybalt and Ben Volio.

‘What drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word.’

These two characters both have different personalities. Ben Volio is Romeo’s cousin while Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin. Ben Volio is trying to stop the fight and asks Tybalt to assist him, but Tybalt declines as he wants the quarrel to continue. This creates anxiety for the audience because they want to know the outcome of the fight. Furthermore Tybalt’s aggression towards Ben Volio and the Montagues suggests to the audience that he may play a part in the lovers’ downfall which further builds tension.

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In Act One Scene One tension is built successfully from the language used.

‘Do you bite your thumb at us sir?’

Abraham and Sampson exchange this phrase repeatedly using short sentences. It builds tension effectively because one can imagine that these words would be exchanged between two characters rapidly growing in speed and volume in a concise verbal exchange. Also the stagecraft used to move the characters around to become aggressive was effectual. This would suggest to the audience that a fight is going to erupt therefore building tension.

Conclusively, Shakespeare builds tension through the Prince’s speech.

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