How does Willy Russell lead the audience to feel differently about Mr Briggs as the play progresses?

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Josh Kearsley

Our Day Out

How does Willy Russell lead the audience to feel differently about Mr Briggs as the play progresses?

        The play “our day out” is written by Willy Russell. The play is set in inner city Liverpool in a particularly industrial are. It is about a school which has a small class for the children with a lower ability academically and they learn maths and literacy skills that are of a lower standard. This class is called the progress class and is lead by a teacher named Mrs Kay, an elderly woman, she is kind and sensitive. Mrs Kay chose to take the children in the progress class on a trip. The headmaster agreed with Mrs Kay and allowed the trip to take place. The headmaster sent Mr Briggs on the trip to supervise and help out. Mr Briggs was traditional and old fashioned in his methods of teaching.

        The headmaster asks Mr Briggs to go on the trip because he does not believe that Mrs Kay has the ability to control the children with just two other members of staff. He did not believe that she was well enough prepared for the occasion. The headmaster begins to change his mind about the trip taking place but Mrs Kay threatens to resign if she is rejected the trip. In this case he allows the trip to occur because he can not afford to lose a member of staff like Mrs Kay, she is excellent with the less abled children. Mr Briggs and the headmaster both agree that Mrs Kay is more “of mother than a teacher” but know deep down that she is wonderful at her job. In a conversation with Colin, one of the few members of staff going on the trip, Mr Briggs continues his word about Mrs Kay, “you mean you haven’t noticed all this sort of, anti – establishment, let the kids roam wild, don’t check them attitude”. Briggs does not really understand what Mrs Kay’s objective for the day is. He thinks that it is an educational trip however Mrs Kay is simply trying to give the children a fun and enjoyable day out. Mr Briggs dedides to confront Mrs Kay and snaps “You are on their side aren’t you” Mrs Kay replies quietly but fiercely and says “Absolutely Mr Briggs, Absolutely!” This shows how Mrs Kay starts to lose her temper with Mr Briggs’s continuous shouting and anger.

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        Mr Briggs is constantly snapping and screaming at the children. Whilst on the coach he exclaims “To enjoy a coach trip we sit in our seats”. This suggests again his conventional and strict fashion of teaching. When the class arrives at the desired destination of Conwy castle Mr Briggs tells the children about all the dull facts. “Now you see these square holes, just below the battlements there – well, they were used for…..long planks of wood which supported a sort of platform, and that’s where the archers used to stand and fire down at the attackers”.

Also Mr ...

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