How does Willy Russell show Rita(TM)s relationship with Frank changing over the course of the play?

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“Just don’t keep treating me as though I’m the same as when I first walked in here” Act 2 Scene 3

How does Willy Russell show Rita’s relationship with Frank changing over the course of the play? Comment on the influences on her to change. You should base your answer on Act 2 Scene 3 but include evidence from the whole play.

‘Educating Rita’ is a play that consists of a married working-class woman called Rita and her tutor Frank. Over the course of the play Rita is trying to discover herself as she has little education and a poor job as a hairdresser which leads her to trying the break free from her social class. Also “I should have had a baby by now every one expects it" is a line that Rita says that shows her discontent. Rita consequently wants to be more like Frank: educated, middle class and choice. Frank on the other hand is generally unhappy before he met Rita as he feels bored and trapped wanting to be more like Rita. This shows their relationship to already be strong as they want to be like each other but you witness there relationship develop and change until they part shortly after she finishes her exams. Russell cleverly leaves space for our own opinion on whether the change we see in Rita is good or bad and how this affects her relationship with Frank.  

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Russell sets up an example of Rita’s change very early in the play when she has her very first tutorial with Frank she can’t open the door and finds it to be a real struggle just to get into the room where she would be educated “It’s that stupid bleedin’ handle on the door.” Russell has done this to show us that Rita has too worked hard to have an education. If this is then compared to nearer the end of the play when Rita has no problems when opening the door it shows how she has changed from ...

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